Our Team

It just doesn't get better than this.


Rabbi Elliott Diamond



So did you know that:

I’ve had a long career in Jewish education in Toronto. I’m the former Vice Principal of Jewish Studies at Netivot HaTorah Day School and have been a Rabbi at a minyan at Shaarei Shomayim community for many years.

I hold a B.A. from the University of Toronto, Masters in Education from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education and received my rabbinical ordination from the late Chief Rabbi of Montreal, Rabbi Pinchas Hirzprung, z”l.

My wife Rochelle and I have three children, Avi, Eliana and Amiel.

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Rabbi Mitch Mandel

Executive Director

So did you know that:

My wife Leora and I were one of the 5 original founding members of Aish Toronto

I light my hat on fire at most weddings...for fun!

I'm from Barstow, California!

I was the MVP of the my high school basketball team.

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Wendy Sacks


So did you know that:

I was born in South Africa and my husband is from Zimbabwe.

Awesome Shuls

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Rabbi Elisha & Rebbetzin Fraidy Mandel

@ Thornhill Woods Shul

So did you know:

Rabbi Elisha’s nick name in high school was Lightning

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Rabbi Avram Rothman

@ Aish Thornhill Community Center

So did you know:

I was born in Syracuse and Ruthie was born in Japan.

The woman who babysat for me as a child, later won the Nobel Prize in Biology.

I have done 3 half marathons.

Greatest Accomplishments:

Our shul has grown from 72 families to 235 families.

Rabbi Tzvi Sytner

@ The Village Shul

World Class Campus and

Young Professional Team

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Josh Kaller

@ Professional Networks

So did you know that:

I have been a musician for over 18 years. Loves playing original compositions and jamming. Please don't ask him to play Stairway to Heaven.

My hebrew name is Ephraim. My english name is Joshua. Thanks Mom ; )

I love to grill.

I adore antiquities. It's something I got from being schlepped along on Sundays to boring stores. Now, its hard for me to turn an eye from a great classic. Thanks Mom ; )

Ultimate Frisby is my favourite sport.

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Rabbi Shlomo Blackman

So did you know that:

I'm an LTI WSI water instructor.

Been to Cairo, Egypt in a kafia.

Ran a company for 11 years called "S&B" .

Married the first girl I ever went out with.

I'm the youngest of four boys, I have 6 children and my oldest brothers has triplet girls!

Some of my accomplishments include:

Receiving my rabbinical ordination from the Jerusalem Kollel

Built up teen programs from zero to 200 weekly in one year

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Matti Blackman

So did you know that:

I can pretend to speak 8 different languages.

I have experience flying small planes.

I was the first person to ever be accepted to my highschool (also the first that ever interviewed but hey...)

I was the youngest partner in Torah at age 8 teaching a woman 48 years my senior.

I am one of 14 trained motivational speakers for Mikvah USA.

I'm a licensed massage therapist and Zumba instructor

Some of my accomplishments include:

Raising my 6 delicious children.

Receiving my masters in Jewish Education and administration.

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Mandy Greenspan

Campus Coordinator

Tali Kalles

Female Educator

Sheva Posner

Female Educator

Rabbi Daveed Sabbah


Jewish Family Institute

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Ellie Bass

Director of Yetta Nashman Jewish Family Institute

So did you know that:

Ive lived for extended periods of time in Norway, England, California, Israel and Germany.

I toured for 8 years with a professional dance company all over the globe.

I don’t like herring.

I’ve been meditating and doing Tai Chi for 25 years.

I read fantasy novels in my spare time.

Greatest Accomplishments:

Becoming an awesome wife and amazing mother! and what I mean by that is that they are still alive!!

Growing the JFI to 3000 participants in the last 3 years!!