In the winter every year, Aish Toronto joins with close to 1,000 people – Aish students, young professionals, partners, board members, Aish Rabbis and Rebbetzins, and educators from around the world for an unforgettable, energizing weekend. Participants learn with some of the best speakers in the Jewish world and experience an inspirational, spirit-filled Shabbat. It is the chance to reconnect, or connect for the first time, to the passion and excitement of Aish HaTorah’s mission to create a renaissance in the Jewish world.

Toronto is always one of the most well-represented cities because of our rabbis’ commitment and determination to connect their students to their Jewish heritage and to the larger mission of Aish HaTorah. In Toronto, our 50 person classes are powerful and Shabbat with close to 100 people is inspiring, but it does not compare to the impact a full weekend program with close to 1,000 people, top speakers and an incredible atmosphere.


For more information on this program, please contact Rabbi Gavriel Mandel, the Director of Education,